Terms of Use

Many of the individual photographs presented on this site are official government photographs, compiled from various military and government sources. They are public domain photographs, and will be marked as such next to “Usage”, below the photo’s description. Public domain photos may be used freely in any way you choose.

Some of the photos on this site are either used with permission or are “Creative Commons” images, and will link to the original source. Creative Commons images may be used with attribution to the owner, and a link to the original image. Permission is not needed for using Creative Commons images as long as the rules of attribution are followed.

Images that we have used with prior permission and are marked as such may not be used without contacting the original source, if given. If a link to the original source is not given, that image is not available for download or use.

All formatting, captions, layout, text, etc., on this website is copyright-protected, and may NOT be copied or redistributed in any way. Likewise, the collection of photographs in their entirety as presented on this site also may not be copied, sold or redistributed.

If you have any questions as to whether individual photo(s) may be used, feel free to Contact Us.

Thank you, and enjoy!