Louise Buchert (nee Ecker), born in Buckley, Illinois on July 10, 1920, served as a WAAC/WAC for 3 years during WWII, attaining the rank of Sergeant. She was assigned to Langley Field in Virginia as an air operations specialist, working in air traffic control with the Army Air Corps pilots in training. Following her military service, Mrs. Buchert and her husband, who also served in the Army during WWII, had 3 sons and one daughter, as well as two grandchildren. She was the first of three generations to serve her country, and Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both sent her personal birthday cards on her 80th and 90th birthdays, respectively. Louise Buchert passed away in 2012.
This remembrance provided by her grandson, Shaun Durrani.
Photos of Louise Ecker Buchert during World War II:
(Click thumbnails to view full photo in slideshow)
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